Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mia and Jesse.

I was walking in the park while eating my favorite burger, Club burger. I felt tired then I sat on the bench, beside a little girl. I ate all my burger. I sighed then I smiled. The little girl was looking at me, weirdly. I become conscious of myself. What the hell did I do that catch the little girl's attention? I said to myself.

A minute passed before the girl asked me.
"Why are you smiling?" she said.
I paused, trying to process out that she really is talking to me.
"Huh?" the best response I can give.
"Why did you smile? Is there anything funny?"
"Oh! That, why? Never seen a person smile before?"
"No. Not really. I just never saw a person smile as fake as yours"
"Wow! You're a great little observer huh. So, why does my smile look fake to you kido?"
"Because you're like my mom"
I really don't like to continue this conversation with the child but I suddenly got curious.
"Your mother loves to fake a smile?"
"She always tell us every things fine. Don't worry about it." she said while imitating her mother's voice. "Even in the worst cases in our life she always tell me that. Wearing her hypocrite smile, as if it helped me." she said with agony in her eyes.
"So your mother is a bad actress huh. I guess I am too"
"Yeah. You'll make a good club "The Hypocrites"."
I laughed. I got shy. This girl is right! I'm a hypocrite! Too good to be true!
"So, what's the history of your fake smile?" she said.
"Yeah right! I was just practicing. I wanna look good in the camera later, you know, picture taking" I smirk.
"Now you really are a bad ass lier!" she laughed.
"Hey! that's offensive. You shouldn't say those words, you're still a child!"
"Right! Look who's talking?" she laughed again.
"Yah. Maybe you're right. I am really a bad ass lier. You're a smart and a very observant little girl." I said, feeling busted. "My name is Mia" I offered a hand shake.
"My name is Jesse" she said while shaking my hand.
"So, Jesse" I smirked. "Sorry about earlier. I should be a good example"
"Stop talking to me like a child"
"Well you are"
She sighed, stopping to make a debate from me.Then, I started to explain myself.
"When you wake up in the morning wearing a smile your heart is smiling too. It's like you know happy things will happen today even without assurance. But when you frown in the morning it's like you're welcoming stupid things in your life. You're like preparing for a war to come. That's not a good way to start a day right?"
"Right. So, you're faking your smile because you know stupid things will happen today but you still pushed yourself to smile hoping it will not happen." she said sarcastically. She felt like a million puzzle pieces has been solve within a second.
"Hoping for something or even anyone is by nature you know. It's like printed on every people's forehead"
She gave me a half smile.
"Sometimes you just have to fake it. So it won't hurt that bad. It's like putting a wooden shield against a sharp steel sword" I raised my eyebrow then i thought - What a stupid thing to compare?
"I know, but sometimes it doesn't freaking help! It still hurts." she sighed then continued. "You're just lying to yourself and that's bad"
"I'm not exactly lying, I was just ..." I can't think of any words to continue with.
"Just what?"
"Nothing. You're too smart for this kido."
"I'm just good at life"
"You'll survive here, in earth" I giggled.
"I know"

Then the little girl, Jesse, vanished into thin air. She's like a bubble that suddenly pop. I felt weird. What the hell! I was talking to a ghost? I shouted at my conscience. I felt my head aching, trying to process things out. I stood up and walked away from that haunted bench. Well, not really that haunted since Jesse is kind. I breathe in and out, slowly. I was calm again. I was myself. Jesse was myself.

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